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Beijing excellent teacher -- Zhang Su: more than 20 years of cultivation of Xingtan education without regret

Release time: 2023-05-29 Author: Hits:

As a party member teacher, she always uses "the foundation to be strong, learn often, do not forget the original heart, and continue to move forward" to motivate herself。In August 2022, she was awarded the title of "Beijing Excellent Teacher"。She is Zhang Su, a mathematics teacher and director of the Center for Teaching Management and Research at Tsinghua High School。Since 22 years of teaching, he has always adhered to first-line teaching。

First, firm ideals and beliefs, and take the initiative

Not forgetting the original heart and keeping in mind the mission is the lifelong subject of Communist Party members, and it is also the fundamental driving force for Zhang Su to continue to move forward。She devoted herself to cultivating virtues and cultivating people, endeavoring to train new people of the era to assume the great responsibility of national rejuvenation, and always keeping in mind the sacred mission of educating people for the Party and talents for the country。She is not one-sided pursuit of short-term teaching results, not excessive pursuit of student development speed, meticulous in every teaching link, constantly improve every work process, take the initiative to play the vanguard role of party members, has won the Haidian District outstanding "four" teacher。

She stood by her post and performed her duty。As a teaching cadre, she inherits the excellent work style in daily management work, optimizes the work flow of teaching management, improves the content of educational affairs, and promotes the development of scientific, institutionalized and informationized teaching management in the school。

She goes deep into the teaching front line to carry out teaching research and find out the real problems in teaching。In 2015, Beijing implemented the reform of the new high school entrance examination, and she united and led her colleagues to steadily promote a number of teaching reform programs such as hierarchical classes in junior high schools, subject selection and class classification, and online learning analysis, which achieved remarkable results and always maintained the excellent teaching results of the school。

During the epidemic,She serves the whole school wholeheartedly,Dedicated to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of online teaching,Develop a detailed online teaching workbook,Implement the school's teaching goals of "five children simultaneously" and "growing at home without stopping",In 2021, he was named the Advanced Individual of online Epidemic Prevention and Control Teaching Management Service of Tsinghua University。

2. Keep improving teaching skills and explore practical teaching reform

As a math teacher, Zhang Su has been enjoying the joy of teaching。In teaching, she adheres to the essential laws and subject attributes of mathematics knowledge, fully demonstrates the educational characteristics of mathematics, meets the individualized learning needs of students with diversified learning methods, and accompanies students to grow up with heart and love。

In Zhang Su's class,Students can understand the process of mathematical knowledge development,Recognize the past, present and future of mathematical knowledge,Understand the significance of discipline thought;In her class,Students can develop disciplinary thinking in the process of problem solving,Learn to look at things mathematically,Realize the charm of mathematics;In her class,Students and Zhang Su try new teaching models together: flipped classroom, online and offline integrated learning, mutual assistance and cooperative learning...Feel the deep integration of technology and teaching。

After the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, Zhang Su used the idea of large-unit teaching design, integrated knowledge content, designed project-based learning assignments, enriched the content and structure of assignments, and gave full play to the optimal effect of assignments, which was highly praised by experts in the special investigation conducted by Beijing Basic Education Research Center。

During the epidemic period, according to the characteristics of online learning, she carried out group mutual assistance and cooperative learning, set up student lectern, fully stimulated students' learning initiative, and got a positive response from students。

Third, break through the challenge, spread strength in inheritance

While continuously pursuing the improvement of teaching quality,Zhang Su seized every opportunity to improve herself,Squeeze time out of busy teaching and administrative work,Participate in various teaching competitions, research courses and teaching training activities,She has won the first prize in Beijing Teaching Competition many times,The Ministry of Education and urban research courses have been offered for many times,In the process of participation, she constantly challenges herself and breaks through herself。

Zhang Su is also diligent in teaching and research。Her teaching paper won the first prize in Beijing and was published in core journals,Published a teaching monograph "The Practice of Middle School Students' Mathematics Core Literacy",Participated in the compilation of several teaching books;As a core member to participate in the Ministry of Education senior high school examination proposition quality assessment project research,Participate in key projects at urban level,Presided over the Beijing municipal project "Practice Research on Online Academic Evaluation System for Junior High School Students"。

Along the way, she is grateful and willing to share。Set up special teaching lectures for new teachers in Haidian District, guide young teachers to record nearly 20 online courses in Haidian District, record the national TV aerial class "The Same Lesson", Grade three math review, set up Beijing teachers open course。In 2020, she participated in the "three districts and three states" deeply impoverished county volunteer teaching activities of the National Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, and contributed her own strength to poverty alleviation through education。

"Everything in life must be for itself," the pursuit of progress is the most valuable trait of young students, but also Zhang Su's work criteria。With her solid teaching skills, full of enthusiasm for work and unremitting pursuit of education, she has guarded the thriving growth of students and interpreted the responsibility and responsibility of teachers in her more than 20 years of teaching career。

4. Personal profile

Zhang Su: Female, Han nationality, CPC member, senior middle school teacher, Beijing backbone teacher, member of Haidian District compulsory education expert steering group。Graduated from Northeast Normal University in 2000, she has firm ideals and beliefs, and sticks to the mission of educating people and the basic responsibility of teaching。

Photo: Zhang Su

Audit: Xu Wenbing Zhang Jie Party victory army

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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